Happy Spring Flourish Friends!

Spring is getting a late start here in southwest Florida, as it is in the rest of the country. I love it because a cool spring means one less roasting day for us in the South. The showers have already started though and spring flowers are beginning to sprout. Speaking of which, tomorrow (Monday) is the last day to sign up for our next exchange, the Showers Bring Flowers exchange. You can read more about it and access the sign up page here.

While we are talking about reading, I have a short book review to share.


Calligraphy: A Course in Cursive Script with Pencil, Pen, and Brush

by Barbara Calzolari and Alessandro Salice

Calligraphy book cover

This is one of those books that is a “must have” for every script calligrapher’s library. Recently translated into English, “Calligraphy” is a small, spiral-bound, hardcover book packed with a concise history of writing, incredible exemplars, and extensive instruction.

The first 60 pages walk the reader through the history of Roman Capitals, Rustic Capitals, Uncials, Carolingian Minuscules, Gothic Script, Italic Script, and lettering of the Modern Age (16th – 19th centuries). Interesting side bars are interspersed about wax tablets, papyrus and the scroll, book production, parchment and the codex, the scriptorium, University scripts, document writing, the invention of the printing press, and paper.

Instruction then begins using the pencil and Roman caps. Monoline writing is next with instruction for a business hand or American cursive similar to Spencerian. The pointed pen instruction for Copperplate includes a sizable portion of the book followed by an even larger section dedicated to brush lettering.

The final section features a broad range of calligraphy professionals and outstanding images of their work. The focus of the text is on Cursive Scripts so no broad edge pens are included. Without exception, the instruction and exemplars are stellar. Fresh, clean, and meticulously executed with verve and style. Those looking to learn pointed pen Copperplate or brush script will not be disappointed.

Calligraphy: A Course in Cursive Script with Pencil, Pen, and Brush is available via John Neal Bookseller at www.johnnealbooks.com for $24.95.

Hope you have a beautiful spring!

Yours in friendship and flourishing,

Page from Calligraphy book