Hi Flourish Friends!

It’s hard to believe Flourish is now one year old! And what an amazing year it has been. We now have over 2,600 members and are growing daily. Our members are amazing. I am continually impressed with the gracious way in which everyone shares and cares here at Flourish, from welcoming new members, to helping with questions, to just being a friend. Calligraphers are the nicest people!

We’ve had a fabulous year with awesome tutorials and even better calligraphy exchanges. Every exchange is such a delight. We know getting beautiful mail is the best way to brighten someone’s day! Our holiday exchange was the largest to date with almost 100 participants! Next year’s exchanges look to be even better with some creative topics and fun ideas!

Now that the year is coming to a close, I hope to freshen up the place a bit in the very near future, so look for updates and additions soon. As always, I welcome any input for changes, improvements, etc. Just drop me an email or PM.

Lastly, if you haven’t ordered yet or you’d like to send a gift to a letter lover in your life, Dasherie Magazine is still shipping right up until the holidays!

Dasherie Magazine | Issue 2

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I wish you all the best success, happiness, and good health in 2015!
